日時: 令和2年1月29日(水) 午後1時30分~2時30分
場所: 加齢医学研究所 実験研究棟7階 セミナー室(1)
演題: Increasing resilience with a balanced neuron‐astrocyte interaction
講師: Mia Lindskog
所属: カロリンスカ研究所
担当: 本橋 ほづみ(所属 遺伝子発現制御分野・内線8550)
要旨: The ability of the brain to adapt to new environmental challenges
is a key factor to resilience and thus to stay mentally healthy during
aging. Brain plasticity is thus one of the most critical aspects of
brain function and there is a plethora of mechanisms, from molecular
to brain area level, that conveys functional plasticity. Decreased
plasticity is seen in many different brain disorders and associated
with cognitive decline whereas increasing plasticity, can be a way to
increase resilience to brain disorders. Astrocytes, the most common
non-neuronal cells in the brain, are well known to be critical in
keeping the brain homeostasis, but it is becoming increasing clear
that astrocytes also regulate neuronal signalling and plasticity. We
are focusing on how the astrocyte and neuron interaction mediate brain
plasticity. In particular, we are focusing in the interaction between
astrocytes and glutamatergic synapses through uptake of glutamate and
release of gliotransmittors.