日時: 令和元年10月25日(金)午後5時〜午後6時30分
場所: 加齢研実験研究棟7階 セミナー室 1
演題: High-resolution Analysis of Transcribed Enhancers Using a Novel 5’ Nascent
RNA Sequencing
講師: 村川 泰裕
所属: 理化学研究所 生命医科学研究センター
担当: 本橋 ほづみ(所属 遺伝子発現制御分野・内線8550)
要旨: Enhancers are activated in a highly cell-type specific manner,
and play key roles in generating cell-type-specific transcriptomes.
Capped transcripts are generated bi-directionally from active
enhancers, but these transcripts are actively degraded by the nuclear
exosome complex immediately after their synthesis. Here we developed a
simple and robust NET-CAGE technology to profile 5’-ends of nascent
RNAs in diverse cells and tissues, and we studied RNA synthesis and
degradation at the transcription start site level. Sensitive and
high-resolution analysis of enhancer-derived RNAs without the
influence of RNA degradation allowed us to identify a number of new
enhancers at an unprecedented depth, and to delineate primary
locations of transcription within super-enhancers. I will talk about
new insights into the dynamic and topological interplay between
cis-regulatory elements.
Reference: Hirabayashi S., Bhagat S., Matsuki Y., Takegami Y., Uehata T.,
Kanemaru A., Itoh M., Shirakawa K., Takaori-Kondo A., Takeuchi O.,
Carninci P., Katayama S., Hayashizaki Y., Kere J., Kawaji H., Murakawa
Y. NET-CAGE Characterizes Dynamics and Topology of Human Transcribed
Cis-regulatory Elements. Nature Genetics, 51(9):1369-1379 (2019)